I found an interesting feature on The New York Times web site today. On the home page, there was a link for Live-Blogging the Democratic Debate. I did not watch the debates and planned on watching the post-game wrap up of sorts cable news usually puts together, but the blog on the Times web site broke down the debate throughout the two hours.
Obama has been coming out of late exerting that now that he has established his biography, he is ready to show why he is a better candidate than the other Democrats running for president, presumably front-runner Hillary Clinton.
The blogger, Katherine Q. Seelye did an outstanding job, in my opinion, of highlighting the most exciting parts of the debate which honestly enough, center around who is attacking who.
A post at 9:02pm reads
Barack Obama is given his chance off the bat to distinguish himself from Hillary Clinton.
(And to make the first “Rocky” reference.) After a long wind-up, he says Mrs. Clinton has
been on both sides of Nafta, torture and Iraq and says, “I think what we need right now is
honesty with the American people about where we would take the country. That’s how I’m
trying to run my campaign.”
But wow, if that was his opening shot, it was pretty soft. Mrs. Clinton got the signal and goes
after the Republicans, not Mr. Obama. But John Edwards picked up the baton from Mr.
Obama and also starts in on Mrs. Clinton and says, “I think it is crucial for Democratic
voters and caucus-goers to determine who they can trust, who’s honest, who is sincere, who
has integrity.”
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