However, I have realized through the completion of a media history course and throughout my print journalism education at James Madison University, that being informed is simply not enough. Media outlets are big businesses publicly traded with, at times it may seem, only one common goal, to make money. They are owned by some of the largest companies in the world ranging from General Electric to Disney. Reporters, no matter how independent they may claim to be, have to answer to one person, their boss. When I learned of Diane Sawyer's public apology to two tobacco firms after ABC was threatened with a defamation lawsuit, it became evident to me that agendas in the news industry do exist. 60 Minutes was attempting to reveal facts about the manipulation of nicotine levels in cigarettes, but the story was pulled when the parent company faced losing money. When I started to realize the truth that the media industry was just an industry, my doubts began to surface.
A dismal realization? Yes. I want to know the truth and the facts, but when I hear so many different truths and facts from different networks, radio stations, websites, and newspapers, I am forced to decide for myself. However, when I think back to the emergence of the print press in Europe and the colonies, I realized that the press is always changing. It emerged to either support or attack the party or leader in power. There was no question as to who a particular newspaper or pamphlet supported. Then, the press evolved into a marketplace of ideas where different opinions could be voiced and received. The penny pressed evolved, advertising took over, and money became the name of the game. Today, money is still the name of the game, but I have hope that one day I will not have to watch FOX News to get one half of the story, and CNN to get the other half.
As I prepare to watch the GOP debates sponsored by FOX News and hosted by a FOX News anchor Brit Hume, I hope that one day, the other half of the country, many of which are vehemently opposed to tuning into the station, will be able to watch the debates without a built in media prejudice.
Great points! We cannot believe all we hear and read. We must question!
We also must be informed, but informed intelligently.
I believe FOX news does give both sides even though it may be one of the few news outlets that leans "Right".
Amazingly, with the stronghold the Left has on print journalism and the news media, they still are very intimidated and angry that Fox News has emerged and is doing so well. The Left screams free speech 24/7, but want Fox news off the air??
Just baffling. Kelly
I recently had a debate in one of my classes on how the idea of a free market with only about 5 huge oligopolies is ruining the idea of democracy in the media. People aren't getting enough outlets for their news and the big corporations have only 1 goal in mind-to make money. What kind of integrity can the news have if it can be bought and sold-like advertising?
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